The value of hp mp and gold is recorded backwards in the file.
The first is the current value and the second the max value So with all stats 100 it would look like this Use the function find and type in xx 00 00 where xx is the current value.replace it with a value u want eg xx 00 00 00 into 64 00 00 00 (100 converted to hex value is 64). Xx is the value of the strength the next xx would be dex followed by vit and eng.
strength of 30 converted to hex value is 1E Ok.convert the values u recorded into hexĮg. please remove all items from your body first!!! i am not showing the offset for different editors show it differently. Open your savegame(the file with XXXX.d2s,xxxx is your character name) using a hex editor. The manual stated that all values of your character are in the save game and thus that is what i hacked Please always backup yoursavegame before u edit it. HEX INFO (Experienced Hexers Only)HP, MP skill points stats etc&